
The Deanship of Library Affairs held a training workshop about: QuillBot

The Deanship of Library Affairs at Aljouf University aims, through holding training workshops, to activate informational awareness among its beneficiaries. The workshops help in learning modern methods and applications for efficiently and effectively searching for resources and information. They also contribute to spreading the culture of using the library and its sources more widely. In addition, they enhance skills of scientific research and writing, which positively impacts the outcomes of education and scientific research at the university.

Where the Deanship of Library Affairs at Aljouf University held, in cooperation with the English Language Department at the Faculty of Arts, a training workshop about the application: QuillBot.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Nora Hady Al-Saied, a faculty member at the Department of English Language. The workshop was held on Thursday 29/Safar/1445.

The number of attendees at the training workshop exceeded 50 beneficiaries.




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Author and Editor: Suleiman Al-Marei

