College of Science

The Department girls supervisor message

It gives me great pleasure to start this brief word with many thanks to His Excellency Prof. Dr. Bader Al-Zari, the University Director in charge and His Excellency Dr. Musaed Al-Hamemes, Dean of the College of Sciences for their kind trust in a mandated decision coordinated by the Department of Biology. The Department of Biology is an extension of the College's policy and efforts made to advance development and progress. 

The teaching staff of the department consists of an elite group of faculty members with competence and distinguished expertise who take upon themselves the tasks of teaching courses for students in addition to conducting scientific research published in scientific journals. The department provides distinguished opportunities to study biology and concerted efforts in the department to establish students with the scientific knowledge and basic skills required according to distinguished academic standards that contribute to the scientific renaissance of our dear homeland with qualified highly qualified graduates that keep pace with the requirements of the labor market scientifically and technically so that they contribute their role in the advancement of the country The department looks forward to achieving the Kingdom's vision for the national transformation (2030), whose priorities are based on education, scientific research and community service. The department is also keen on deepening the modern concept of knowledge in the various fields of biology while adhering to at the same time preserving ethics and values, thus contributing to the performance of the academic mission to which the college aspires.Finally, we ask God to grant us the blessings of security and safety under our wise leadership, and to write to us success and payment for what he loves and pleases.

Coordinator of the Physics Department, Female Section

Contact Us

  • The Dean: Dr. Mishaal Alzaid 

  • Phone:0146544400

  • X:@sciences_ju