College of Applied Medical Sciences in Al-qurayyat


The college implements an awareness program about breast cancer

|   آخر الأخبار

Under the supervision of Her Excellency Dr. Maryam Al-Enezi, Dean of the College, the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Qurayyat, represented by the Department of Nursing, in cooperation with the Complex of Girls’ Colleges in Tabarjal, represented by the College of Sciences and Arts, implemented an awareness program about breast cancer under the slogan “Your examination now … means safety.” And that is on Tuesday, corresponding to 1/11/2022 AD, at exactly 10 am, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Science and Arts in the Female Students’ Complex in Tabarjal. The event included many paragraphs, starting with the royal salutation, then reciting verses from the Holy Quran. This was followed by a visual presentation introducing breast cancer, fixed and variable risk factors, and how to reduce the risk of infection by controlling variable risk factors such as obesity and others. After that, the importance of early detection by radiological or laboratory methods was explained, as well as a detailed explanation of the theatrical presentation of the self-examination method. The event concluded by answering the attendees' inquiries and wishing everyone good health.


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