College of Business

News and Events

The Dean of the College of Business congratulates Dr. Wafa Naif Ibrahim Alwakid on her promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor.

The Dean of the College of Business congratulates Dr. Wafa Naif Ibrahim Alwakid on her promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor.

The Dean of the College of Business is pleased to congratulate Dr. Wafa Naif Ibrahim Alwakid on her promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of Entrepreneurship in the Department of Business Administration. We pray that Allah grants her success and prosperity in her career.



عمادة  كلية الأعمال  تهنئ الدكتورة وفاء بنت نايف الواكد بمناسبة ترقيتها إلى رتبة أستاذ مساعد



