Welcome to Coaching Center academic and student



Providing high quality service in student’s counseling and advising distinguished psychological, social and educational counseling, besides designing the guidance programs, assisting the student to discover oneself, benefit from his own capacities to solve his problems and achieve his objectives.



To be  a pioneering center for providing high quality professional counseling to the students at Jouf University.


The unit strives to:

  1. Providing high quality counseling services to the students covering social, psychological and academic aspects of their everyday life.
  2. Designing effective counseling programs.
  3. Helping students developed their social and academic skills
  4. Encouraging students to take the initiative in solving their own problems .



  1. Excellency and Creativity
  2. Confidentiality and transparency
  3. Motivation and communication
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Cooperation



Strategic Goals

  1. Improving academic advising
  2. Updating Academic Advising
  3. Qualifying Unsurpassed students


Smart goals


  1. Spreading the culture of academic advising
  2. Providing accurate information about university policies, procedures and requirements.
  3. Giving academic advising
  4. Training faculty members in academic advising
  5. Improving all university academic advising units
  6. Updating Academic advising sources
  7. Cooperating with other national and international academic advising units
  8. University Students’ emotional adjustment
  9. Providing advising guide for Al jouf High school Students
  10. Supporting the talented students of Jouf University
  11. Meeting students needs and expectations
  12. The unsurpassed students’ percentage should not exceed the percentage of ة3%


Key Performance Indicators

  1. Number of students Who are aware of the role of academic advisor
  2. Number of students who have got  Advising publications and guidelines
  3. Number of students who have got consultations from advising units
  4. Number of academic faculty staff benefited from the units ‘activities
  5. Number of field visits by the end of the year
  6. Number of sorted out problems
  7. Number of benefited students
  8. Benchmarking with local universities
  9. Number of students benefited from psychological advising
  10. -Number of high school students who have benefited from the unit service
  11. The percentage of outstanding students’ satisfaction
  12. Evaluating final year students in terms of 5 points measurement
  13. Number of students with special needs who benefited from the Unit’s service
  14. Number of unsurpassed students
  15. Unsurpassed students’ satisfaction
  16. Increasing the number of unsurpassed students

Contact Us

Phone : 06 66565656

FAX : 06 66565657

Email :ccaa@ju.edu.sa