Deanship of Quality Academic Accreditation


A Briefing Session for the University Vice-Chancellor in Charge for Development and Academic Accreditation with Deans of the Faculties, Supporting Deanships, and Heads of Quality Units

|   آخر الأخبار

Under the guidance of His Highness, the University Rector, Dr. Ismail bin Muhammed Albashri, the University Chancellery for Development and Quality held a briefing forum chaired by its Vice-chancellor in charge, Dr. Eid bin Mahaya Alhasyouni and His Highness the Dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Dr. Osama bin Hasan Arif. The forum was attended by their highness the deans of faculties, supporting deanships, the female vice-deans, the heads of quality units, and the vide-heads of the quality units. It took place at the University on Wednesday, 22/12/1438 AH, corresponding to 13/12/2017 AD, in the Men’s University Council Hall and was broadcasted to the girls’ complex.

Professor Eid bin Mahaya Alhasyouni clarified that the briefing forum aimed to discuss the plans of the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation that are to be implemented during the coming academic year 1438/1439AH which are relevant to the roles of deans of the faculties and supporting deanships in order to meet the requirements of institutional accreditation of the university in a way that would back the University’s vision and its strategic directives to obtain the institutional accreditation. Dr. Osama Hasan Arif presented also a satisfying summary on the details of the plan, received questions from the attendees from both sections and answered all proposed enquires.


Forms of the National Institution for Academic Accreditation


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