College of Computer and Information Sciences

Summer Training

How long the summer training?

It is 8 weeks in summer term for students

How can I choose the best company for training?

It’s depend on your field , for example , if your field is SE ,you can choose SADAIA company to start  your training with rich  knowledge .

How can I know the start time of training in companies?

You can keep on the summer training page in the university website or follow up the companies news in their website.

Through training, Is the company give me salary ?

This is depend on their policy of training .

How can I add summer training course to my timetable ?

  • In every semester, just check the BlackBord announcements .
  • you will find the link then just click and complete the registration form .
  • don’t panic, the summer training team will replay to you as quick as they can.

Can I add more than one course with summer training?

If you are graduated student, we can accept your request for one course more with summer training course.

If I prefer to train in female section only , Can I do that?

Absolutely you can .

Can I train out of Aljouf region?

Yes, you can choose any region in KSA .

What should I do If I choose company then they reject my request ?

Just tell the summer training team then submit your request to another company .

During training , If I face problem with the training supervisor , who should I contact with ?

Academic supervisor .

Addition and deletion of Subjects

If a student can’t add or delete a course from their Academic portal, is there another way to do it

Yes, he can do that by filling out a form designated for that, getting it signed by the academic advisor, and handing it over to the person responsible for adding and deleting it at the college.

Is it possible to resolve the conflict with lectures for female graduates?


 How many credit hours are left to consider a student a graduate?

18 hours

If the student had a conflict with the times of the lectures, how it is resolved?

 You can change another section to surmount this problem by checking it with the academic advisor

 How does a student proceed if they passed the excuse test but missed the deadline for deletion and addition, considering that the passed exam is a prerequisite for another course and must be enrolled for?

 He can request to add a course through the academic advisor by sending a request to facilitate admission and registration

If the student is a visitor, how are the courses registered?

In this case, the courses are registered by the university

How are the courses registered if the student is from the old plan?

By checking the equivalence of courses

How to register for summer training

There is a link to register for summer training

What is the minimum number of students to register?

It depends on the academic situation of the student

How much time does it take to add or delete the course

Yes, it is adjusted by Admission and Registration Deanship

Subject Selection

How do I choose the most appropriate courses for my timetable?

The best is to follow your study plan

 How many hours am I allowed to add to the timetable?

The allowed hours for each term are not same for all students. The academic advisor can be

consulted to find out the number of hours allowed to be added.

 Do I have the right to add all courses from my lowest study plan level?


How do I know my academic advisor?

It is mentioned in the student's timetable

Can I modify my timetable after adding courses?

At the beginning of each trimester, students can adjust their timetables through the academic


How can I send requests to delete, add or modify sections?

By sending a request from the academic portal of the student