Deanship of Quality Academic Accreditation


The First Training Workshop to Qualify Internal Reviewers in Quality at Jouf University

|   آخر الأخبار

The Deanship held the first quality-training workshop to qualify internal reviewers at Jouf University on Monday, 05/01/1439AH. The workshop was held by virtue of the consent of His Highness, the University Rector, Professor Ismail bin Muhammed Albashri, to prepare and qualify quality internal reviewers at Jouf University as part of the steps towards preparing the university to obtain the institutional accreditation. It was held under the supervision of His Excellency the Vice-Chancellery for Development and Quality, Dr. Eid bin Mahaya Alhasyouni, and chaired by  His Excellency the Dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Dr. Osama bin Hasan Arif. The workshop was run by consultants of the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation and discussed several topics in order to develop a regulation for the quality assurance unit, develop a manual to set an internal system for quality, job description card, and evaluating the training course.

The teaching staff who attended the workshop were 25 from the boys section and 16 from the girls section. It was also attended by the heads of the quality units, the females’ vice-heads of quality units at the faculties and the supporting deanships and administrations. The workshop was also broadcasted to the Girls’ Complex in Sakaka and the two branches of the University in Qurayyat and Tabarjal. It was concluded with assigning the attendees to prepare and review the regulations of the quality assurance unit, the manual to set an internal system for quality, a job description card in each faculty, and supporting deanship as well as submitting an updated version by the end of this week.


Forms of the National Institution for Academic Accreditation


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