Deanship of Quality Academic Accreditation


Meeting of the Executive Committee of Quality and Academic Accreditation

|   آخر الأخبار

His Highness the University Rector, Dr. Ismail bin Muhammed Albashri, adopted the formation of the Executive Committee for Quality and Academic Accreditation at the University. The chair of the Committee is His Highness the Dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Dr. Osama bin Hasan Arif, and its members are the Vice-dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, the consultants of the Deanship in the girls and boys sections, heads of the quality units in the faculties and supporting deanships. This committee is meant to be the main drive to take steps to prepare the University for the institutional accreditation. The committee has been receiving unlimited support from His Highness and is supervised by His Excellency the Vice-chancellor in charge for Development and Quality, Dr. Eid bin Mahaya Alhasyouni. The committee held its first meeting on Tuesday, 28/12/1438AH, in the conference hall at the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation and was broadcasted online to the Girls’ Complex.

The Dean opened the agenda updating the attendees of the progress of the University’s plan towards obtaining accreditation and of its plans for this purpose as well as the decisions that were taken to prepare the atmosphere for the institutional activity including activating the role of the Higher Committee of Quality. Other decisions included updating all committees associated with quality at the university and relieving the heads of quality units of all irrelevant activities to enable them to focus on achieving the strategic purpose of the university which is obtaining the institutional accreditation. Preliminary versions of the Deanship’s comprehensive plan for quality at the university, another plan to qualify internal reviewers, and working mechanisms to meet the accreditation requirements were presented in order to review them by the Executive Committee so that they could be forwarded to and adopted by the Higher Committee of Quality. His Excellency affirmed that the University has been exerting its maximum efforts to achieve this objective.

His Excellency received and answered the questions and enquires of both sections of the attendees. After that, the consultants of the Deanship delivered a presentation on the results of the assessments of all sectors of the university during the last academic year. The presentation covered the main drives and performance indicators, the performance indicators of the programs and the quality achievements during Ramadan. Following, they provided a detailed explanation of the plans that the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation will present in the coming period and the objective of planning. They presented also the working mechanism manual to meet the requirements of institutional accreditation that include the follow-up reports and documentation mechanism. The meeting was concluded with the Executive Committee visiting the location of the main documentation hall in the Deanship and examining its working basics.


Forms of the National Institution for Academic Accreditation


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