College of Arts and Sciences at Tabrjal

Vision,Mission and Objectives


  • The long-term vision of the college is to gain excellence and leadership in teaching andlearning processes and toexpanditsacademic research in different fields to meet the critical challenges of education in the 21st century.


  • Provide academic programs and research projects of a comprehensive quality in the scientific and humanitarian fields through distinguished scientific competencies capable of providing the national community with specialized and qualified staff that meet the needs of the labor market.


Future goals

  • The College should become a center for the development of scientific, cognitive and research creativity.

Current goals

  • Preserving the Islamic identity and promote patriotism among students.
  • Achieving the comprehensive quality standards in the college's academic programs and research projects.
  • Providing an academic and administrative environment to motivate innovation in education and scientific research.
  • Developing study plans and proposing new programs that meet the needs of the labor market.
  • Conducting community partnerships and providing the local community with various programs.