College of Applied Medical Sciences

Training , internship and Alumni Affairs Unit




Quality and excellence in providing the best services for students and graduates


The Mission


The unit seeks to contribute to the preparation of qualified graduates with expertise in applied medical sciences




  1. Create the right environment for training the competence during field training and intensive training in order to provide students with clinical and cumulative skills related to different levels of study during the theoretical years.
  2. Participate in improving and supporting educational outputs.
  3. Activate all forms of training within the academic departments.
  4. Expanding communication with the graduates and organizing periodic meetings and social activities.
  5. Informing graduates of what is new in the academic and research aspects within the college.
  6. Document the relationship with the graduates to benefit from their experiences.
  7. Strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between graduates and each other as well as between them and the main beneficiaries and the college.




  1. Identify the available health facilities for training and ensure that they are ready for training the students as well as follow up the training process.
  2. Create a training file for each student who is expected to graduate by the end of the semester.
  3. Determine the wishes of students expected to graduate by the end of the semester for the performance of the concession period as well as calendar training for each semester.
  4. Compiling and examining evaluation files for each student.
  5. Issuance of the certificate of completion of the concession period and delivery of documents for each student who passed the graduation requirements (graduate).
  6. Create a database of college graduates as well as a database of beneficiaries (employers).
  7. Follow up graduates and increase the link and communication with them and involve them in the process of developing programs and courses.
  8. Emphasize the principle of community participation between health facilities and professional communities in education.
  9. To carry out the work entrusted to them by the Dean of the College.
  10. To make recommendations to the Dean of the College on a regular basis from the date of commencement of the unit.






Training, Internship and Alumni Affairs Unit


Electronic System for training and internship


College of Applied Medical Sciences - Jouf University 












Training , internship and Alumni Affairs Unit




Quality and excellence in providing the best services for students and graduates


The Mission


The unit seeks to contribute to the preparation of qualified graduates with expertise in applied medical sciences




  1. Create the right environment for training the competence during field training and intensive training in order to provide students with clinical and cumulative skills related to different levels of study during the theoretical years.
  2. Participate in improving and supporting educational outputs.
  3. Activate all forms of training within the academic departments.
  4. Expanding communication with the graduates and organizing periodic meetings and social activities.
  5. Informing graduates of what is new in the academic and research aspects within the college.
  6. Document the relationship with the graduates to benefit from their experiences.
  7. Strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between graduates and each other as well as between them and the main beneficiaries and the college.




  1. Identify the available health facilities for training and ensure that they are ready for training the students as well as follow up the training process.
  2. Create a training file for each student who is expected to graduate by the end of the semester.
  3. Determine the wishes of students expected to graduate by the end of the semester for the performance of the concession period as well as calendar training for each semester.
  4. Compiling and examining evaluation files for each student.
  5. Issuance of the certificate of completion of the concession period and delivery of documents for each student who passed the graduation requirements (graduate).
  6. Create a database of college graduates as well as a database of beneficiaries (employers).
  7. Follow up graduates and increase the link and communication with them and involve them in the process of developing programs and courses.
  8. Emphasize the principle of community participation between health facilities and professional communities in education.
  9. To carry out the work entrusted to them by the Dean of the College.
  10. To make recommendations to the Dean of the College on a regular basis from the date of commencement of the unit.




For contact:  4253









استمارات و نماذج وحدة التدريب و الامتياز و شؤون الخريجين

إستمارة الرغبات لتدريب الإمتياز (إلكترونية)

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استمارة طلب أجازه         

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استمارة طلب نقل مكان التدريب

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ضوابط وقواعد خطة التدريب و الامتياز لطلاب  وطالبات الكلية

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خطة التدريب و الامتياز لطلاب وطالبات قسم العلاج الطبيعي التأهيل الصحي

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خطة التدريب و الامتياز لطلاب وطالبات قسم التمريض

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نموذج تقييم قسم العلاج الطبيعي و التأهيل الصحي​​​

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نموذج تقييم قسم علوم المختبرات الإكلينيكية​

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نموذج تقييم قسم التمريض

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نموذج استلام وثائق التخرج

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 نموذج طلب تأجيل (إنقطاع) خلال سنة الإمتياز  إضغط هنا
نموذج (1) استمارة الرغبات لفترة تدريب الإمتياز (استمارة ورقية) إضغط هنا

قاعدة بيانات لخريجي كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

لتسجيل بياناتك                                                                        



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