Research Institute

Expertise Offices

Expertise Offices

The offices of expertise are a subsidiary of the Institute for Research, Consulting Studies and Training in Jouf University, which one of the sectors of the Rectorate for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.

IRCST is a unit specialized in its full affairs.

The idea of ​​establishing expertise offices stems from the direction of Jouf University administration towards enhancing the principle of strategic partnership between the university and all segments of society. To develop the specialized professional competencies of the University employees and to employ the University's various capabilities in order to transfer the knowledge and experiences available to the University and its employees to economic projects with financial revenues, which contributes to the creation of knowledge and the development of the University's own revenues and its employees.

 On this basis, the expertise offices are an appropriate means to invest qualified and specialized human resources. The financial and knowledge capabilities available at Jouf University to serve the different sectors of society in the public and private sectors, providing the faculty members with the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge and experience in dealing with community issues and problems. To contribute in providing scientific, research services and advisory excellence in all disciplines and areas in return for financial returns appropriate to the University and its employees.

Office experience:

Each office has one or more faculty members in the same specialization or in similar or complementary disciplines. It provides scientific, research, consulting or training services in return for funding and is established under the umbrella of the University.

Objectives of Expert Offices

  • The expertise offices aim to transfer experience and provide scientific, research, consulting and training services in the fields of specialization to serve all segments of society as follows:
  • Strengthening the principle of partnership between the university and society.
  • Providing excellent scientific, research, advisory and training services to the community in all disciplines and fields.
  • Providing faculty members (assistant professor, associate professor, professor) with the university to contribute to building the knowledge economy.
  • strengthening the relationship between the faculty members and their students by giving them the opportunity and providing financial and moral incentives for those who are distinguished to benefit and benefit through the activities of the Institute.
  • Utilizing the University's administrative, material and technical capabilities to serve the developmental programs in the public and private sectors, while compensating the university for the cost of using them from the revenues of the service provided.
  • Participating in building the national expertise sector.
  • achieving added value to the beneficiaries through obtaining specialized scientific service with a high degree of efficiency and at a reasonable cost.

Protecting the intellectual and financial rights of all parties involved.